Sico Kitchen And Bathroom Paint Review

Sico Kitchen And Bathroom Paint Review



683 Posts

Discussion Starter · #1 ·

im doing a drywall job in a bathroom right now. The homeowners bought sico kitchen and bath paint. i've never really painted much with sico paints and i looked up the paint online. i was trying to figure out what sheen this paint is. on their website it says "smooth finish" where all their other paints say eggshell, semi-gloss, etc. it says in the specs that the gloss level is 5-10% at a 60degree angle and 10-20% at 85degrees. so what sheen is this paint?



9,634 Posts

Why do you care? If your client is forcing paint on you to start? What good would knowing the sheen be to you? You are going to put "Baby Lion Diaper" color with two nice coats and walk anyhow? They obviously know more than you do about paint right? I would worry more about the primer you plan to use on your drywall job. If they haven't already picked that on their own too.

Usually paints sold as bathroom and kitchen paints are a semi-gloss. They have biocides in them but ironically, I have never found more mold and stuff in a can of paint marketed as bath and kitchen when I went back to touch up a job. You can add your own biocides.

I do not know this paint brand specifically but it seems to me the easiest solution is to walk into the paint store where your clients bought it and ask for a sheen guide specific to their paints?



683 Posts

Discussion Starter · #3 ·

for a level 3 finish i like paint with a matte or eggshell on the walls because it hides alot of imperfections. when i know im painting with semi-gloss or high gloss paint i like to do a level 5 finish because gloss paints show any imperfections.



9,634 Posts

No argument there. The higher the sheen the more surface imperfections show up.

But again, you said your clients bought the paint and are forcing it on you? Seems to me you have no options in this and are stuck with the sheen they bought? What comfort does knowing what it is bring you in this?



683 Posts

Discussion Starter · #5 ·

i recommended the paint, drywall, mud, etc. the client bought everything that i wanted but the brand and type of paint and the client left to go on vacation to Europe. so im stuck with the paint. so im trying to figure out if its a eggshell, semi-gloss, etc. i need to figure out if im skimming the walls tomorrow or sanding, priming, and painting. i'm also using glidden ultra primer which i use with good results on new drywall. and also if anyone has used sico paints and what they think of it.




7,983 Posts

Never heard of Sico paint but here's the link to their website. Maybe you can find some info on there to give you a hint on what type of finish you have on your hands.




2,518 Posts

So, if it is in your possession- paint out a sample and look at it...

Instant knowledge! :thumbup:



9,634 Posts

BJ, what a concept! I forget the obvious sometimes.

If it is not what you meant to specify, donate it to the Canadian equivalent of Habitat for Humanity or something. Ask for a tax receipt if such things are important up yonder.

Buy what you wanted, add biocides or whatever if that is important.

How big is this bathroom? We are talking the cost of maybe a gallon for two nice finish coats if you need to eat your change of mind our outright mistake?



683 Posts

Discussion Starter · #9 ·

i took a chance, i sanded it out. primed and painted it. turned out awesome and its almost looks like a matte finish. i actually kinda like this paint and its the first kitchen and bath paint that has a matte look that i've painted with. after the flooring guy does the tile i'm gonna go back do touch ups and final coat. i'm feeling pretty confident that its going to turn out great.



5,606 Posts

I have never heard of the brand is it just in Canada?



683 Posts

Discussion Starter · #11 ·

yes its a canadian brand that started in 1937 in quebec and in 2006 they were bought by AkzoNobel. it says on their website they invented matte washable paint and are the largest paint supplier in canada. seems like some decent paint!

Sico Kitchen And Bathroom Paint Review


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